Palletizing machines

Palletization is one of the processes most often used in large companies as part of broadly understood automation. This practice saves time, reduces employee costs, and makes task performance more efficient. Palletizing robots help ensure safety because they handle heavy goods that are difficult for employees to load into appropriate places, reducing the number of accidents at work. Our offer includes high-quality machines designed for palletizing ready-made packaging – please read the details.

Bag palletizing systems

Regularly shaped packages, such as boxes, cartons or crates, are most often subjected to the palletization process. Palletizing bags – although a bit more difficult – is also doable. Thanks to our available palletizing machines with a gripper, you can easily speed up the process of placing foil or paper packages with soil, cement, pellets or other loose substances on pallets. The devices work gently so as not to damage the bags, and at the same time effectively and efficiently, which allows you to save valuable time.

If you are interested in high-quality robots for palletizing various types of goods, please contact us. In addition to selling devices, we also offer professional, comprehensive service.

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